Stella CB menopausa coach

The secret to vitality, femininity and health in menopause and beyond

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I'm telling you that menopause is not a struggle, but a rebirth! I can show you how to overcome obstacles. From fitness to delicious, nutritious meals, I can tailor everything to your incredible journey.

It's not just about wearing your favorite jeans that don't fit you right now; it's also about your confidence, accepting your femininity, health, and true love for yourself. Let's unleash the vibrant, beautiful, healthy, and wholesome woman inside of you.

My mission is to show you how you can regain your shape, your femininity, your energy, and your health.

47 years old, and now 55

Hey, girls!

I am 55 years old, I have 2 adult daughters. Menopause hit me at over 45 and I had a bunch of symptoms besides my weight gain. I searched and found the completely natural,

holistic solution to make me feel feminine, energetic, and healthy again. I regained my youthful shape, weight, and energy.

I would like every woman of my age to know the secret and feel as comfortable in her skin as I do.

I feel that this is my mission, to overturn the narrative of how women of our age and even older women look, and how healthy and energetic they can be.

Those who will not fill the doctor's offices, but happily travel, hike, dance, play with their grandchildren, climb mountains, learn new things and have new goals.

Because if you are healthy, you can do anything. Like an energy bomb who creates his own story by discovering the wonders of the world, smiling and sometimes with a little joke.

My exercises are specially designed for menopausal women. I know many of us don't have time to go to the gym, so I put together short, very effective 17-minute workouts. These include pilates, yoga, bodyweight exercises, barre, balance and mobility exercises.

About my "Vitality and healthy aging" program

Would you believe me if I told you that in 100 days you can learn how to become fit, healthy, feminine, confident and take control of your weight? Also, how can "age-related" diseases be avoided?

Maybe now you say: no!

Do you think, as I used to think, that for this:

- do you have to constantly count calories, completely banishing sweets?

- do you have to eat small meals several times a day and after 18.00 you can't eat at all?

- drink, only drink until water lilies grow in your belly,

- workouts are only effective if you torture yourself with an hour of cardio and feel like

who got caught in a hurricane and you ended up spitting out your lungs and your heart beating in your chest as if an army of frogs had started for the lake?

I have good news: no.

I already know and have learned that these methods do not work in menopause.

If you tried these, it's no wonder you didn't get back in shape.

We often come up with excuses why we don't change. I know I was like that too. I said that I still love my body, so I don't want to torture it. But in the meantime, I realized that I loved it wrong.

You have to love your body WELL! Nurture it to become healthy! I don't take it anymore as bad luck if a chronic illness appears. Its not a bad luck.Because excess weight always causes diseases, even 10-15 kilos.

My program, it's not just about looking good in a bikini again (although that will happen, too).

The real goal is to be healthy now and in the future!

I think you also think, as I did a few years ago, that

- muscle pains, muscle atrophy


-insulin resistance, diabetes

-high blood pressure and the rest...

" are "AGE related" diseases.

I have another piece of good news: this is MYTH!

These have nothing to do with age! These diseases are the "results" of our lifestyle

It is not natural that we get sick as we get older.

Times of change - the name also says that changes are needed. I say that to everyone at their own pace. It takes 100 days to learn and incorporate new habits, but when you will reach your youthful weight depends on your excess weight.

Just imagine that in 100, 150 or 200 days, a confident, feminine, fit woman will smile back at you from the mirror... The question is not if you will succeed, but when.

Did you imagine?

Then THIS can be YOUR time, YOUR challenge, YOUR journey.

Do you have the courage and dedication to do this?

If so, then I am here to give you the knowledge, to hold your hand on your journey, to support and cheer you on.

Just imagine the pride and happiness when you put on your favorite piece of clothing from your youth again and it looks great on you!

My program, don't lose sight of the fact that it is not a fashionable 100-day diet. No!

It's a lifestyle change FOR YOUR HEALTH!

Like a good wine, it matures over time and is not just for a moment.

1-hour coaching:

70 USD

The first lesson is free! This is an opportunity for us to talk so that you can decide what I offer , is for you.

What can you choose:

Get back your shape- if you dont have to lose weight, but you want to shape your body

Telework Video Meeting at Home

100 days group coaching online -weekly meetings.

Faded Red Color Film Photo Light Leak Overlay

100 days 1:1 personalized online coaching-with my every day support.


‘Thank you Stella! This program has been fantastic and I still have lots of work to do, but I know how to do it.

You've put a ton of resources into this program, wonderful work.

I am feeling really good, much better than I have felt in a long time. I have even lost weight and exercising is part of my daily routine. I gained control over my menopause journey and started to notice an increase in my energy levels and a significant boost in my self-confidence.

Your program equipped me with a toolbox of effective coping mechanisms, dietary guidance and lifestyle modifications tailored to my unique symptoms and schedule. One of the things I really like about your teachings is how you like to use real food to supply nutrients. You have done the research so you know exactly what our body needs. I am grateful for the superb recipes.

Again, thank you for your incredible contribution to the healthy aging of women.”Monika

“My weight loss stopped in the last half year, and I couldn't lose the remaining kilograms. I met with Stella during our training, and she offered to help me. I managed to start my weight loss with her advices and training videos. Our last 3 months could be described by hard work, but I’m absolutely satisfied with the result. Stella was present everyday, she was supporting me and she was recently overseeing my eating, my training, and, if necessary, she was supporting me emotionally as well. She is a helpful woman who is an expert at lifestyle changes. If you would like to change your life, you would ask her to help you.” Dora

“After working with Stella I got a lot of clarity and direction about what I need to do to lose weight and get fitter. I stand in my journey to my dream body/ health. You helped me to start eating healthily, working out consistently and having a healthy lifestyle, overall. I loved how you have a solution to every block we uncovered during our session. I really loved your holistic approach to helping your clients improve their health. I learnt loads and was really glad to find you. I still am implementing the changes I have now made and I thank you for being a part of my journey. :)” Nergis

My book


Would you believe me if I told you that in 100 days you can achieve your fit, healthy, feminine and confident self, and the icing on the cake is that you can even regain the shape of your 20s or 30s? You know, the point is not how many candles are on your cake, but how you feel and what you believe about yourself, what you are capable of. The same is true for your health - it's not age-related, it's lifestyle-related. Menopause is not a nightmare, but the beginning of a new adventure.

This book is not just about looking good in a bikini again, although that will happen 🙂 The real goal is to be healthy now and in the future! Because who wants age-related muscle pain, osteoporosis, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and other unpleasant diseases that come with a bad lifestyle?

Muscle has nothing to do with age either - just whether you use it or not. If not, it will slowly but surely weaken and wither.

This book is not just a pile of paper and inkblots. This will be your diary, your guide, full of tasks that will refresh not only your body, but also your soul. I will change your fixed thoughts, you can say goodbye to misconceptions and realize that menopause is not the end, but the beginning of a new chapter.

Don't let menopause seem scary! This book is a guide to physical and mental changes, and if you follow it, if you are really committed, you will not go through a 100-day fad diet, but change your lifestyle for your health. Like a good wine, it matures over time and is not just for a moment.

Menopause says that we need changes. I say that everyone needs to change at their own pace. It takes 100 days to learn and incorporate new habits, but when you reach your youthful weight depends on your excess weight.

Just imagine that in 100, 150 or 200 days, a confident, feminine, fit woman will smile back at you from the mirror... The question is not if you will succeed, but when. Did you imagine? Then this is YOUR time, YOUR challenge, YOUR journey. Do you have the courage and dedication to do this? If so, then just imagine the pride and happiness you will experience and go on this adventure of a lifetime with me!

Book reviews:

“I recently had the pleasure of reading "Tame the Menobeast! 100 Days to a Healthier, Fitter You in Menopause" by Stella CB. This book is a treasure trove of information, expert advice, and personal insights that serve as a beacon for women navigating the often challenging journey of menopause.

Stella has structured the book as a 100-day transformational journey, focusing on mindset, nutrition, exercise, and overall well-being. Stella's engaging and relatable writing style makes the content easily digestible, regardless of where you are in your menopausal journey.

What I found particularly helpful were the practical tips, habit-building tasks, and the supportive online community that Stella has created. This interactive approach provides a sense of camaraderie and encouragement that is often missing in other resources.

What sets this book apart is its celebration of the menopausal body and its emphasis on self-love and body positivity. Stella encourages us to embrace our bodies, prioritize our health, and rewrite our menopausal story with confidence and vitality. This holistic approach to physical and emotional well-being is refreshing and much needed.

In conclusion, "Tame the Menobeast! 100 Days to a Healthier, Fitter You in Menopause" is an inspiring and practical guide that empowers women to embrace their menopausal journey with optimism and purpose. Stella CB's blend of personal narrative, expert advice, and actionable steps creates a compelling and supportive roadmap for women seeking to prioritize their health and well-being during menopause. Highly recommended!” Eleonore

“II love the work you’ve created in your book. Anything that helps women to understand more about menopause and the impact so that they can understand and do something positive about their experience is super helpful. Well done. 🙌 Jean

From my book:

“Let's talk about my experience with natural remedies

When I began to experience those notorious hot flashes and an unpredictable menstrual cycle, I was on a mission to find a natural way to ease the symptoms. I delved into research, exploring various options like royal jelly, ashwagandha, yam, and a few others:

what truly stood out for me was ROYAL JELLY. It wasn't an instant fix, mind you. It took a few weeks before I started noticing a difference, but after about three months, the hot flashes almost disappeared. For a whole year, I kept up with my royal jelly routine, and it genuinely made a significant impact on managing all my symptoms.

Sure, I tried pausing for a few months at one point, but when the symptoms started creeping back, I knew I had found something truly beneficial. So, I went back to my royal jelly routine, and it continues to be a part of my daily life.

Now, I'm not saying this is the one-size-fits-all solution for everyone, but if you're facing similar challenges, royal jelly might be a worthy ally in your journey. It certainly made a noticeable difference in mine, and I wholeheartedly recommend giving it a try. Your path through menopause can be smoother, and a little natural help from royal jelly might just be the key to your comfort.

Royal Jelly and Pure Propolis Extract, 100% Natural Superfood

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